Patrick S Bernard Associate Professor of English
PhD English (Literary Theory and Cultural Studies), Purdue University
M.A. English, University of Northern Iowa
B.A. (With Honours) English, Fourah Bay Bay College, University of Sierra Leone
Certificate With Distinction, School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Teaching interests:
African American Literature; The Harlem Renaissance; Music and African American Literature;
Afro Diaspora Literatures; Concepts of the Self and the Other.
Research Interests:
Call and Response; Memory, History and African American Literature; Black Atlantic
and AfroDiaspora Studies; Textuality and Orality; Narrative and Voice; Culture, Literature,
and Identities.
Recent Publications:
- The Cognitive Construction of the Self in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: Vol. 9: Iss. 2, Article 5. 2007. Available at:
- “Mapping the Woman’s Body: Race, Sex, and Gender in Mariama Ba’s so Long a Letter.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal.” Volume 34, Number 7, October-November 2005. 575-609.
- “Travel Culture as Performance in Richard Wright’s Black Power.” The Langston Hughes Review, Volume 19, Fall 2005: 40-49.
- “Langston Hughes, the Tom-Tom and the Discursive Place of Memory in Culture.‘ The Langston Hughes Review: Centennial Edition: Volume 17: Fall/Spring 2002. 35-48
Essays in Collections
- "Teaching Countee Cullen's Poetry." Teaching the Harlem Renaissance: Course Design and Classroom strategies. Ed. Michael Soto. New York: Peter Lang. 2008. 103-113
- “Magic Realism and History in Syl Cheney-Coker’s The Last Harmattan of Alusine Dunbar.” Knowledge is More Than Mere Words: A Critical Introduction to Sierra Leonean Literature. Ed. Eustace Palmer and Abioseh Michael Porter. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 2008. 153-179
Course Information
Courses Taught
- African American Literature 1
- African American Literature II
- The Harlem Renaissance
- Call and Response: Literature and African American Identities
- The Self and the Other
- Introduction to Literary Studies
- Body Modification