Scott C Smith Professor of Anthropology, Program Chair of Latin American and LatinX Studies
Ph.D. and M.A., University of California, Riverside
B.A., Drew University
2016 Scott C. Smith. Landscape and Politics in the Ancient Andes: Biographies of Place at Khonkho Wankane. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
2012 Scott C. Smith. Generative Landscapes: The Step Mountain Motif in Tiwanaku Iconography. Ancient America monograph series, no. 12. Barnardsville, NC: Boundary End Archaeology Research Center.
Journal Articles
2019 Erik J. Marsh, Andrew Roddick, Maria C. Bruno, Scott C. Smith, John W. Janusek, and Christine Hastorf. Temporal Inflection Points in Decorated Ceramics: A Bayesian Refinement of Late Formative Chronology in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia. Latin American Antiquity 30(4):798-817.
2017 Adolfo E. Pérez Arias, Maribel Pérez Arias, and Scott C. Smith, De la Muerte a la Inmortalidad: El Ritual Funerario en la Cuenca Sur del Lago Titicaca. Textos Antropológicos 18(1):123-140.
2015 Scott C. Smith and Maribel Pérez Arias, From Bodies to Bones: Death and Mobility in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia. Antiquity 89 (343):106-121.
2014 Scott C. Smith and John W. Janusek, Political Mosaics and Networks: Tiwanaku Expansion into the Upper Desaguadero Valley, Bolivia. World Archaeology 46 (5):681-704.
2014 Scott C. Smith, Maribel Pérez Arias, Adolfo Pérez Arias, and Andrea Flores Pérez, Long-term Occupation of Cerro Chijcha, Upper Desaguadero Valley, Bolivia. Ñawpa Pacha 34 (1): 107-116.
2011 Scott C. Smith, La Arquitectura del Formativo Tardío en Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia. Nuevos Aportes, no.5:71-98.
2002 Gair Tourtellot, Marc Wolf, Scott C. Smith, Kristin Gardella, and Norman Hammond, Exploring Heaven on Earth: Testing the Cosmological Model at La Milpa, Belize. Antiquity 76:633-634.
Book Chapters
2022 Scott C. Smith, Maribel Pérez Arias, and Adolfo E. Pérez Arias, “The Politics of Connection: Caravans and Political Development in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia.” In Caravans in Socio-Cultural Perspective: Past and Present, edited by Persis Clarkson and Calogero Santoro. London and New York: Routledge.
2018 Alexei Vranich and Scott C. Smith, “Nighttime Sky and Early Urbanism in the High Andes.” In The Archaeology of the Night, edited by Nancy Gonlin and April Nowell, 121-138. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
2018 Christopher P. Dayton, Patrick Ryan Williams, Benjamin R. Vining, and Scott C. Smith, “Geophysical Investigations at Khonkho Wankane.” In Khonkho Wankane: Archaeological Investigations in Jesus de Machaca, Bolivia. Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility, no. 68. Berkeley: University of California.
2013 Scott C. Smith, “Late Formative Period Spatial Organization at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” In Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology - 2, edited by Alexei Vranich and Abigail Levine. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Book Review
2016 Scott C. Smith, “Review of At Home with the Sapa Inca: Architecture, Space, and Legacy at Chinchero by Stella Nair.” American Anthropologist 118 (2): 439-440.
Educational Materials
2014 “Genetic Drift and Gene Flow Illustration.” Activity accompanying the book, How Real is Race? A Sourcebook on Race, Culture, and Biology by Carol C. Mukhopadhyay, Rosemary Henze, and Yolanda T. Moses. 2nd edition. 2014. AltaMira Press.
2008 Scott C. Smith. Introducción Básica a los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GIS) para Arqueología. Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia. Available at
Conference Papers
2022 “Perdurance and the Politics of Place at Iruhito, Bolivia.” Paper solicited for presentation in the session In Memory of Wendy Ashmore: Landscapes of Meaning, Biographies of Place, and Archaeologies of Compassion. Society for American Archaeology 87th Annual Meeting, March 30 – April 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
2018 “Ceremonial Waterscapes: The Desaguadero River in Antiquity.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, April 11-15, 2018, Washington D.C.
2017 “Rethinking the Middle Formative to Late Formative Transition in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin: New Data from Iruhito, Bolivia.” With Adolfo Pérez, Maribel Pérez, and John W. Janusek. Poster presented at the Institute of Andean Studies, 57th Annual Meeting, January 6 and 7, 2017, Berkeley, CA.
2015 “The Politics of Connectivity at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology, 80th Annual Meeting, April 15-19, 2015, San Francisco, CA.
2014 “Political Landscapes of the Upper Desaguadero River Valley, Bolivia.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology, 79th Annual Meeting, April 23-27, 2014, Austin, TX.
2014 “Tiwanaku Political Strategy in the Upper Desaguadero Valley, Bolivia.” Poster presented at the Institute of Andean Studies, 54th Annual Meeting, January 10 and 11, 2014, Berkeley, CA.
2013 “Circulatory Landscapes of the South-Central Andes.” Paper presented at the European Association of Archaeologists, 19th Annual Meeting, September 5 – 8, Plzen, Czech Republic.
2013 “Early Ceremonialism at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” With Maribel Pérez Arias. Paper presented at the Institute for Andean Studies, 53rd Annual Meeting, January 11 and 12, 2013, Berkeley, CA.
2011 “Ceremonialism and the Social Relations of Production during the Late Formative
Period (200BC – AD500) in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia.” Paper presented
at the Society for American Archaeology, 76th Annual Meeting, March 30-April 3, 2011,
Sacramento, CA.
2010 “Iruhito: A Rural Riverside Community in the Tiwanaku Heartland.” With Adolfo
Pérez Arias and Maribel Pérez Arias. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology,
75th Annual Meeting, April 14-18, St. Louis, Missouri.
2009 “Experiencing Religion at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia: Ceramics and Architecture
at a Late Formative Period Ritual Center.” Paper presented at the Society for American
Archaeology, 74th Annual Meeting, April 22-26, Atlanta, Georgia.
2007 “Constructing Ideological Relationships: Architecture at Khonkho Wankane,
Bolivia.” Paper presented at the symposium El Centro Ceremonial de Khonkho Wankane:
Investigaciones Recientes y Perspectivas Emergentes sponsored by the Faculty of Social
Sciences at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and the Museo Nacional de Arqueología,
June 22, La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2007 “Spatial Practices and the Constitution of a Late Formative Built Environment:
Architecture at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” Paper presented at the Society for American
Archaeology, 72nd Annual Meeting, April 25-29, Austin, Texas.
2006 “Social Organization and Architectural Change at Khonkho Wankane.” Paper presented
at the Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz, First Annual Meeting, October 19-21, La
Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2006 “Architecture and Activities at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” Paper presented
at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Advanced Seminar Contending Visions of Tiwanaku,
May 19-21, Los Angeles, California.
2006 “Social and Spatial Disjunction: Landscape, Politics, and Memory during the
Late Formative at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” With Arik Ohnstad and John Janusek. Paper
presented at the Society for American Archaeology, 71st Annual Meeting, April 26-30,
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2004 “Implementing GIS at Loma de los Cangrejitos, Ecuador.” Paper presented at
the 24th Annual James C. Young Colloquium, February 7th, Riverside, California.
2003 “Moving Dirt: Platform Mound Construction and the Rise of Social Complexity
at Loma de los Cangrejitos, Ecuador.” With Maria Masucci and Franklin Fuentes. Submitted
for presentation at the Society for American Archaeology, 68th Annual Meeting, March
30th – April 3rd, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Invited Presentations
2022 “River and Pampa: A Regional View of the Machaca Formative.” Invited presentation at the Field Museum for the workshop John Wayne Janusek and the Tiwanaku Revolution. With Maribel Pérez and Adolfo Pérez. April 1, 2022, Chicago, IL.
2018 “Place Attachment and Mobility in the Formative Period Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia.” Invited presentation for the Archaeology program, National University of Ireland, Galway, March 5th, delivered via WebEx.
2017 “The Formative Period in the Machaca and Desaguadero River Region.” With Maribel Pérez Arias. Invited presentation for the Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Arqueológicas, July 27th, La Paz, Bolivia (Spanish)
2016 “Territoriality in Archaeological Analysis.” Invited presentation for the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, August 12th, La Paz, Bolivia (Spanish).
2015 “Territoriality and Connectivity in Settlement Pattern Analysis.” Invited presentation for the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 9th, La Paz, Bolivia (Spanish).
2014 “Archaeology in the Americas.” Invited presentation for Millersville University First-Year Inquiry seminar Culture, Science and Mathematics in the Pre-columbian Americas, Sept. 18th, Millersville, PA.
2013 “Processing Earth Resistance Field Data Using Geographic Information Systems Software.” Invited presentation for the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 20th, La Paz, Bolivia (Spanish)
2013 “Electrical Resistivity Surveying.” Invited presentation for the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 11th, Iruhito, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2013 “Field Methods for Total Station Mapping.” Invited presentation for the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 10th, Iruhito, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2011 “Current Theoretical Trends in North American Archaeology.” Invited presentation at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 25th, La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2009 “Venerable Geographies.” Invited presentation at Drew University, December 7th, Madison, New Jersey.
2009 “Reconstruction of Architectural Change and its Applicability for Monumental Sites: Methods and Techniques.” Invited paper presented at the first annual UNESCO archaeological workshop at Tiwanaku, July 24-27, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2009 “Total Stations and Techniques for Mapping: Theory, Practice, and Applications.” Invited presentation at the first annual UNESCO archaeological workshop at Tiwanaku, July 24-27, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2007 “Introduction to GIS.” Introductory presentation at the invited workshop Introducción Básica a GIS para Arqueología sponsored by the Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz, May 30th, La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2006 “Investigating Spatial Patterns at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia.” Invited presentation to the Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, March 17th, Nashville, Tennessee.
2005 “Topography and Architecture of Khonkho Wankane.” Invited presentation at the bi-national symposium Revalorando el Sitio de Khonkho Wankane, August 13th, Qhunqhu Liquiliqui, Bolivia. (Spanish)
2003 “Mapping and Survey Methodology.” Invited presentation and workshop for the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Classics, Drew University, March 15th, Madison, New Jersey.
2002 “GIS Applications in Archaeology.” Invited presentation to the Department of Anthropology, Drew University, October 15th, Madison, New Jersey.
Workshops Presented
2013 “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Archaeology.” Workshop presented at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, August 2013.
2007 “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Archaeology.” Workshop presented at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, June 2007.
2007 “Basic Introduction to GIS for Archaeology.” Workshop presented at the Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia, May 2007.
Course Information
CNX132: Material Culture
CNX202: Learning from the Past - People and the Environment
ANT102: Introduction to Archaeology
ANT253: Andean Archaeology
ANT257: People and Cultures of the Andes
ANT301: Archaeologies of Inequality
ANT360: Spatial Archaeology
ANT411: Archaeological Methods