
DipCares is a wellness program on campus that ensures you, faculty and staff are aware of supportive resources available to you and how to access them.

Ensuring No Student Feels Alone

College is a time of new beginnings. It’s a time of excitement, opportunity, and adventure. But it can also be a time of vulnerability, stress and anxiety. And when you’re in new surroundings, it’s easy to feel alone. DipCares is here to ensure no student feels alone at F&M.

Many students face challenges during college that can interfere with their success. Whether it’s academic stress, mental health issues, unexpected life events, or financial problems, these challenges add a layer of complexity to their college experience. DipCares is here to direct you toward the supportive resources available to you, empower you to seek them out and ask for help when needed, and to ensure faculty and staff know how to help you if you’re experiencing distress.

How Does DipCares Work?

The DipCares team consists of F&M employees who care about you and are dedicated to supporting your health and wellbeing at college. Through care coordination and referrals, DipCares can help you find the support you’re looking for.

Care Coordination

Our care team coordinates prevention, intervention, and support efforts across campus to assist students facing crises, life traumas, and other barriers impeding their personal and academic success. This includes creating awareness of the many resources available to you, crafting a support plan that is specific to your needs and concerns, and working closely with faculty, College House deans, F&M’s Department of Public Safety, and more to advocate for your support and safety.


If you’re concerned about someone else, or even if you’re concerned about yourself, you can make a report through our referral form. The DipCares program allows anyone who is concerned about a student — including F&M employees, family members, roommates, and more — to make reports. Once a report is received, DipCares will reach out to the student and offer support as deemed appropriate. 

NOTE: If you are worried about the immediate safety of a student/self, please call 911 or F&M’s Department of Public Safety at 717-358-3939.

Health, Wellness & Safety at F&M

We offer a comprehensive array of health and wellness resources that not only care for you when you’re feeling unwell, but teach you how to be proactive in your self-care and learn lifelong skills related to healthy living, stress management and more.

Learn more

Student Wellness Education and Violence Prevention

The Office of Wellness Education and Violence Prevention (WE-VP) at F&M provides education and resources for the campus community on topics such as sexual and relationship violence, healthy relationships, mental health, bystander intervention, sexual health, and much more.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government. F&M’s Title IX office works to ensure the College’s compliance with this fundamental law and fosters a living, learning and working environment free of discrimination and harassment.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Review the FAQ below to learn more about what FERPA means for your student.

Contact DipCares

To learn more about DipCares, contact Sam Thiry, Director of Care Coordination & Violence Prevention, at sthiry@fandm.edu or 717-358-4506.