Black Eyed Susan - Rudbecia speciosa

Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia speciosa

Attracted Pollinators: Butterflies and Songbirds

Duration: Perennial

Size: 24-36" high; 18-24" spread

Growing Conditions:

- Light Exposure: Full Sun to light shade

- Water Use: low to moderate

- Soil: thrives in a broad range of pHs,well drained, not excessively rich or moist

Black-eyed susans moderate sized flowering bushes native to eastern and central North America. Their large, open, bright-yellow blossoms attract butterflies and the distinctive large dark-colored seed heads attract songbirds as the flower's main sources of pollination. These hardy plants do well soil that is well drained and not overly rich. They continue to blossom from midsummer through Autumn.
