Mountain Laurel - Kalmia latifolia
Mountain Laurel -
Kalmia latifolia
Attracted Pollinators: Bees
Duration: Perennial
Size: 5-15 feet high; 5-15 feet spread
Growing Conditions:
- Light Exposure: Partial Shade
- Water Use: Moderate
- Soil: acidic (>6.5), moist, cool, well
The mountain laurel is a dense, evergreen shrub
native to the eastern United States and
proliferates in a variety of habitats. Its dense
clusters of light pink, cup-shaped flowers bloom
in mid to late spring, giving was to small brown
fried persisting into the winter.. Given adequate
space and time, the mountain laurel can even grow
to become a small tree of up to 30' in height. Its
oblong, pointed leaves are two toned: evergreen on
top and yellow beneath.