Rosebay Rhododendron - Rhododendron maximum

Rosebay Rhododendron - Rhododendron maximum

Attracted Pollinators: Bumble Bees and Birds

Duration: Perennial

Size: 8-15 feet high; 8-15 feed spread

Growing Conditions:

- Light Exposure: Partial Shade

- Water Use: Wet

- Soil: Slightly acidic (>6.8), cool, well moistened, well drained

The rosebay rhododendron is a large shrub native to the southeastern United States, particularly in appalachia. The shrub blooms white to pink, five-sided, cupped flowers with rounded oblong petals which bloom from late spring to early summer. The flower's fragrance attracts bumblebees and is a valuable source of nectar for them, however to humans, the plant is known to possess toxic chemicals that are deadly when ingested.