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Senior Spotlight: As Writing Tutor, He Found Enriching Academic, Social Experience

As they prepare for their May 11 Commencement ceremony, Franklin & Marshall seniors look back at their four years on campus—and what's next.

Name: Lior Wolf

Major: Joint Major: Government & American Studies

Hometown: Ardmore, Pa.

Activities at F&M: Writing Center Tutor, Founder of the F&M ACLU Chapter, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity (President 2017-18), Committee for Student Code Review, Catastrophic Relief Alliance, Black Pyramid Senior Honor Society, Hackman Scholar in American Studies.

What has been your most memorable moment or time here at F&M?

I would say my most memorable time at F&M has been the hundreds of hours I have spent as a tutor at the Writing Center on campus. Every time I go into work, I am exposed to something completely different, and it has given me an opportunity to meet all sorts of people and learn about topics from nearly every department of the college. The Writing Center has been much more than just a job, but a community that has greatly enriched my educational and social experience at F&M.

What did you enjoy most about your time at the College?

I think the one thing I enjoyed the most is the sense of community, and the way that you are exposed to all sorts of new ideas and interests. There are so many events I have attended, classes I have taken, or clubs I have joined because of my friends who were interested in those topics, and shared that interest with me. In this way, I feel like I've truly gotten a rounded education through the F&M community.

What advice would you give to rising seniors?

Build close relationships with your professors! The faculty here are so knowledgeable, and truly care about you both as a student and a person. When you take the extra time to get to know your professors outside of class, they will help you with your schoolwork, planning your future, and just talking through what can be an overwhelming time of life.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am hoping to pursue a career in civil rights advocacy, and I'm looking at jobs in both law and policy as possible outlets for this interest.

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