Ann R Steiner

Shirley Watkins Steinman Emerita Professor of Classics


Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College

  • Ph.D., 1981: Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient Greek

  • M.A. 1976: Middle Helladic Tumulus Burial

  • A.B. 1973 cum laude Major: Classical Studies

Regular Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1978-79; Summer Session, 1974

View Ann's full CV



  • Reading Greek Vases (Cambridge, 2007); paperback 2008

  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Joslyn Art Museum I (U.S.A. 21) Philipp von Zabern, Mainz (1987).

  • Joslyn Art Museum: Ancient Greek Pottery (Joslyn Art Museum, 1985) 96 pp. with a contribution by Charles Rowan Beye.


  • "Poggio Colla," in L. Cappuccini, C. Ducci, S. Gori, L. Paoli (edd.), Museo Archeologico Comprensoriale del Mugello e della Val di Sieve. Catalogo dell’esposizione (Aska edizioni 2009). [Catalog of the permanent exhibition of material from Poggio Colla at the Museo Comprensoriale del Mugello e della Val di Sieve, Dicomano, Italy] with P.G. Warden, M. Thomas, G. Meyers, and A. Castor (contributors),

  • “The Etruscans and the Greeks,” in From the Temple and the Tomb (G. Warden, ed.) Meadows Art Museum, Southern Methodist University Press (2009) 143-168.

  • “Children in Athenian Cult: The Case of Demeter’s Boy,” The Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston 2003 (Alice Donohue and Carol Mattusch, editors) Oxbow (2007) 610-613.

  • “Excavations at the Etruscan Site of Poggio Colla (Vicchio di Mugello) 1998 – 2004,” with P.G. Warden, Michael Thomas, and Gretchen Meyers. Journal of Roman Archaeology 18 (2005), 252-266.

  • “The Alkmene Hydrias and Vase-painting in Late Sixth Century Athens,” Hesperia 73 (2004 ) 428 – 463.

  • “New Approaches to Greek Vases: Repetition, Aesthetics, and Meaning,” in Form, Figure & Narrative (ed. P. Gregory Warden) (2004) Meadows Art Museum, Southern Methodist University Press, 35-45.

  • “Private and Public: Links Between Symposion and Syssition in the Athenian Agora,” Classical Antiquity 21 (2002) 349 – 379.

  • "The West Slope Ware.” "The Stamped Black- Glazed Pottery.” Torone I: Exacavations of 1975, 1976, and 1978, Athens Archaeological Society (2001) 469-472; 439-467.

  • "Illustrious Repetitions: Visual Redundancy in Exekias and his Followers," in Athenian Potters and Painters (ed. O.Palagia and J. Oakley) (Oxbow, 1997) 157-169.

  • “The Meaning of Repetition: Visual Redundancy on Archaic Athenian Vases," Jahrbuch des deutschen archaeologischen Instituts 108(1993)197-219

  • "Oil and Water: Pottery and Cult at the Sacred Spring," Hesperia 61 (1992) 386-408


  • Review of Joan Mertens, How to Read Greek Vases (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2011) forthcoming in Classical World

  • Review of Mary B. Moore, The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Volume XXX, Attic Red-figured and White- ground Pottery. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 9.5 (1998) (5pp.)

  • Review of Parthenon and Panathenaia, a Symposium at Princeton University, September, 1993, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 5.1(1994) 9 pp., with Sarah Peirce



  • “Etruscan Hellenistic Kitchen Ceramics in Context at the Podere Funghi,” Ceramics, Cuisine, and Culture: The Archaeology and Science of Kitchen Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World December 16-17, 2010. British Museum, London

  • “More of the Same? Analyzing Repetition in Ancient Art” co-chaired with Ann Gunter, Northwestern University. College Art Association, Chicago, February 2010


  • “Defining a Sanctuary in Northern Etruria: New Evidence from Poggio Colla (Vicchio di Mugello) Co-authored with P. Gregory Warden, Michael L. Thomas, and Gretchen Meyers. Annual Meeting 2012 (Philadelphia)

  • “Sanctuary and Settlement in Northern Etruria: Poggio Colla near Vicchio di Mugello, Etruria. Co-authored with P. Gregory Warden, Michael L. Thomas, and Gretchen Meyers. Annual Meeting (2007) San Diego.

  • “A Second Debut: The Alkmene Painter’s Hydria in Reading,” (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 106 (2002) 294-295.

  • “Say it again! The Enigma of Repeated Attic Vase-inscriptions,” (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 105 (2001) 267.

  • "Drinking in the Athenian Agora: Syssition and Symposion," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 103 (1999) 290.

  • "Repetition in Early Black-figure and the Development of Visual Narrative," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 101 (1997) 289.

  • "Lion-fighters as Initiatory Paradigms" (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 97 (1993) 329.

  • "Visual Redundancy on Archaic Athenian Vases " (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 95 (1991) 323-324.

  • "Private and Civic Cult at Corinth," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 92 (1988) 255.

  • "A Restudy of Corinthian White Lekythoi," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 88 (1984) 261.

  • "Gesture in Greek Vase-Painting: Lydos and apagoreuein," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 87 (1983) 261.

  • "Herakles and the Lion: A Case Study in the Transmission of Attic Vase-Painting Iconography," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) 287.

  • "A Hydria by the Antimenes Painter in Omaha," (abstract) American Journal of Archaeology 84 (1980) 234.

Grants & Awards
  • Samuel Kress Foundation Subvention Grant for illustrating Reading Greek Vases, 2005

  • Senior Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies, 1994-95

  • National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend for Course Development, 1992

  • Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, 1990

  • Chief Research Scholar, NEH Implementation Grant GM 21902- 84: Greek Culture Through Joslyn's Ancient Pottery, January, 1984 - June, 1985

  • Chief Research Scholar, NEA Grants 32-44-20-00260 and 32-44- 31-00318:Publication and Conservation of Ancient Pottery, January, 1984 - June, 1985

  • Author, J. Paul Getty Publications Fund Grant: Accepted manuscript of Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum for co-publication and provided subvention, 1984

  • Chief Research Scholar, NEH Planning Grant PM 20547 -81-1525:Greek Culture Through Joslyn's Ancient Pottery, June 1981-June, 1982

  • Ella Riegel Grant to attend American School of Classical Studies, 1978-79

  • Henry Joel Cadbury Fellow in the Humanities, 1977-78

  • Scholar in Archaeology, 1976-77, A.B. cum laude