Ashley C Rondini Associate Professor of Sociology


Ph.D. Sociology & Social Policy, Brandeis University

M.A. Social Policy, Brandeis University

M.A. Women's Studies, The University of Sussex

B.A. Sociology, Clark University, Phi Beta Kappa 


Journal Articles

Rondini, Ashley C. 2021. “Dream like the whites…”: Disjunctures in Racial Perceptions and Interpretations of Low-Income First-Generation College Students of Color and Their Parents.” Social Problems, spab061. 

Rondini, Ashley C. and Rachel H. Kowalsky. 2021. “First Do No Harm: Clinical Practice Guidelines, Meso-level Structural Racism, and Medicine’s Epistemological Reckoning.” Social Science and Medicine 279:113968.

Rondini, Ashley C., Rachel S. Kowalsky, and Miranda R. Waggoner. 2021. “Addressing Meso-Level Mechanisms of Racism in Medicine.” The American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2): 66—69. 

Kowalsky, Rachel H., Ashley C. Rondini, and Shari L. Platt. 2020. "The Case for Removing Race From the American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline for Urinary Tract Infection in Infants and Young Children With Fever." JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Pediatrics. 

Rondini, Ashley C. 2020. “Surviving Dangerous Waters: Teaching Critical Consciousness Against a Tide of Post-Truth.” Humanity and Society 44(2):221—232. 

Cunningham, David and Ashley C. Rondini. 2017. “Legacies of Racial Contention: Legislation and Implementation of Mississippi’s Civil Rights and Human Rights Curriculum, 2006-2011.” The DuBois Review 14(2): 325-348.

Rondini, Ashley C. 2016. “Healing the Hidden Injuries of Class?: Redemption Narratives, Aspirational Proxies, and Parents of Low-Income First Generation College Students.”  Sociological Forum 31(1):96-116.  

Rondini, Ashley C. 2015. “[Mis]Placing Race in Biomedical Clinical Context: Racial Categories, Medical Research, and the Reproduction of Health Disparities.” Sociology Compass 9(8):704—717. 

Rondini, Ashley C. 2015. “Observations of Critical Consciousness Development in the Context of Service Learning.” Teaching Sociology 43(2):137—145. 

Magazine/Newspaper Publications

Rondini, Ashley C. 2021. “Meso-Level Racism in Medicine.” Contexts: Understanding People in Their Social Worlds 20(3):56—59.

Rondini, Ashley C. 2018. "White Supremacist Danger Narratives." Contexts: Understanding People in Their Social Worlds 17(3):60-62.

Social Policy Columns

Rondini, Ashley C. 2015. “Tracing the Trajectory of Federal Initiatives Addressing Campus Sexual Violence.” Footnotes 43, Issue 4 (May/June), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Rondini, Ashley C. 2015. “The Shifting Landscape: Critically Contextualizing Conversations About Campus Sexual Violence.” Footnotes 43, Issue 1 (January), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association. 

Rondini, Ashley C. 2011.“Protection from Rape as A Civil Right: The Evolution of Policy Concerning Sexual Assault on College Campuses.” Footnotes 39, Issue 5 (May/June), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Rondini, Ashley C. 2011.“For-Profit Institutions and Underserved Student Populations: Expanding Access or Exploiting Aspirations?” Footnotes 39, Issue 1(January), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association. 

Rondini, Ashley C.  2010. “The Necessity and Insufficiency of Policy-Based Responses: ‘Bullying’ and Anti- Gay Bigotry.” Footnotes 38, Issue 9 (December), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association. 

Course Information

Introduction to Sociology

Racial and Ethnic Relations

Race, Gender, Class, and Higher Education

Class, Status, and Power

Health, Illness, and Community (CBL)

Race, Ethnicity, and Health