Bill Schneper Associate Professor of Organization Studies and Management, Department Chair of Business, Organizations and Society
About Bill Schneper
Bill Schneper joined the Franklin & Marshall community in Fall 2012. He is the recipient of a number of teaching and research awards and honors. Bill has previously taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown University and Florida International University. His current research focuses on strategic management, corporate governance, organizational effectiveness and the role of the business corporation in contemporary society.
PhD - University of Pennsylvania, Management
MA - University of Pennsylvania, Management Science and Applied Economics
MBA - New York University, Finance and International Business
BA - Boston College, Economics and Philosophy
Representative Publications
Schneper, W.D. & Guillén, M.F. (2004). "Stakeholder rights and corporate governance: A Cross-National
Study of Hostile Takeovers." Administrative Science Quarterly, 49, pp. 263-295.
Soleimani, A., Schneper, W.D. & Newburry, W. (2014). The impact of stakeholder power on corporate reputation: A cross-country corporate governance perspective. Organization Science, 25(4): 991-1008.
Zakaria, R. Fernandez, W.D. & Schneper, W.D. (2017). "Resource availability, international acquisition experience, and cross-border M&A target search: A behavioral approach", Multinational Business Review, Vol. 25 Issue: 3, pp.185-205.
Schneper, W.D. & Martin, C. (2018). "Pebble Technology Corporation: From dorm room dream to high tech pioneer", The CASE Journal, 14(4), pp. 427-476.
Abdelzaher, D., Fernandez, W.D. & Schneper, W.D. (2019) "Legal rights, national culture and social networks: Exploring the uneven adoption of United Nations Global Compact", International Business Review, 28(1), pp. 1-24.
Schneper, W.D., Wernick, D.A. & Von Glinow. M.A. (2019). “Stakeholders and the learning organization” in Anders Ragnar Örtenblad (editor) The Oxford Handbook of the Learning Organization. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 229-242.
Schneper, W.D., Wernick, D.A. & Von Glinow. M.A. (2019). “Stakeholders, organizational learning and the learning organization” (Guest editorial). The Learning Organization, 26(2), 126-131.
Schneper, W.D. (2020). “Common Thread: The Fifth Discipline from a liberal arts college perspective.” The Learning Organization, 27(6), pp. 513-525.
Kurland, N.B. & Schneper, W.D. (2021). "A social enterprises’s hybridizing journey to reconcile goals and structure with identity." Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.