Joaquin P Villarreal

Director of Entrepreneurship

Email: joaquin dot villarreal at fandm dot edu

About Joaquin Villarreal

M.B.A,  Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (2008)
B.I.E, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina (2003)

INT375.  Entrepreneurial Discovery: Entrepreneurial Discovery is an experiential learning course in which student teams will explore their own startup concept (both for and not for profit concepts are welcome) through hypothesis-driven, real-world experimentation. The learning objectives are for the teams to (1) Acquire the skill set necessary to design, test, measure, and learn from real-world startup experiments and (2) to apply these skills to an early stage concept of their own choice by following lean methodology concepts from ideation through Customer Discovery. The course will leverage tools from existing startup accelerator/ incubator models to complement in classroom instruction, including visitors, co-instructors, and practitioners. 

INT274. Entrepreneurial Thinking: Entrepreneurial thinking is a mindset that values creativity, the willingness to try new things, and learning from both success and failure equally. In that light, the main learning objectives of this course are: 1) to internalize the entrepreneurial mindset and be able to apply it on multiple dimensions of students' personal, academic, and professional lives; and 2) to acquire the tools necessary to evaluate and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities in any field. The course will introduce and follow the hypothesis-driven attitude towards entrepreneurship called “The Lean Startup", and will make use of visitors (in-person or virtually) and experiential learning to illustrate real-life applications of the theory, techniques, and assignments in the syllabus.

INT273. Organizational Innovation: The course focuses on key objectives related to innovation within established organizations such as Colleges or Fortune 500 companies, where students learn how to develop analytical, creative and actionable recommendations to address relevant organizational questions. The two learning objectives are: 1) to understand and apply principles from primary and secondary research, intrapreneurship, strategy, and general problem-solving best practices; and 2) to acquire key skills related to effective participation in multi-disciplinary teams with members from diverse backgrounds.

Entrepreneurship at F&M