Katherine McClelland Professor of Sociology
Teaching Interests:
Race and Ethnic Relations
Sociology of Education
Class, Status, and Power
Research Methods in Sociology
Social Psychology
Research Interests:
Race Relations on College Campuses
Social Reproduction through the life course
Grants & Awards
Spencer Foundation Grant - 1999-2001: "The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Diversity
on White College Students."
National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship - 1991-1992
Franklin and Marshall College -- Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching- 1991.
American Association of University Women American Fellowship, 1983-1984.
Danforth Graduate Fellowship, 1977-1982.
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1977-1980.
Phi Beta Kappa (elected 1976).
Publications (1990 – present)
"Reproduction, Redemption, and Respect." With David Karen. 2008. Chapter 14 in Jay MacLeod, Ain't No Makin' It, Third Edition. Westview Press: Boulder, Colorado.
"The Role of Contact and Information in Racial Attitude Change among White College
Students." With Erika Linnander. 2006. Sociological Inquiry 76 (1), 81-115.
"The Dynamics of Young Men's Career Aspirations" with Jerry Jacobs and David Karen.
Sociological Forum, 1991, 6: 609-639.
"Public Platitudes and Hidden Tensions: Racial Climates at Predominantly White Liberal
Arts Colleges”, with Carol J. Auster. Journal of Higher Education, 1990, 61:607-642.
"The Social Management of Ambition", The Sociological Quarterly, 1990, 31:255-251.
"Cumulative Disadvantage Among the Highly Ambitious: The Effects of Social Origins,
Gender, Marriage, and College Quality on Early Educational Attainments and Occupational
Expectations", Sociology of Education, 1990, 63:102-121.
Book review of Lower Track Classrooms, Reba Newcomb Page in Contemporary Sociology, 1992, (November).
"Turn, Turn, Turn: Race Relations Cycles at a Liberal Arts College." Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association's Annual Conference, April 2009: San Diego, California.
"The (Un)Changing Dynamics of Cumulative Advantage in Education." Invited paper presented at the American Sociological Association's Annual Meeting, August 2006: Montreal, Canada.
"Racial Ideologies Among White College Students and Their Impact on Campus Racial Climates." With Elizabeth Onasch and Jared Policchio. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, April 2005, Montreal, Canada.
"Crisis, Continuity, and Change: Race Relation at Windsor College, 1990-2002." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 2004, San Diego, California.
"How Race Matters: The Integration of Immigrant and Involuntary Minorities on Predominantly White College Campuses." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2003. Atlanta, Georgia.
"The Effects of Contact on Intergroup Attitudes: The Role of the Broader Context
of Contact." Linnander, Erika ('01) and Katherine McClelland. American Sociological
Association meetings, August 2001.
"The Limits of Change: Race Relations at Windsor College in the 1990's”. Rader, Amanda
('01) and Katherine McClelland. American Educational Research Association meetings,
April 2001.
"Symbolic Racism: A Reconsideration." McClelland, Katherine and Nathaniel Balis ('98).
American Sociological Association meetings, August 1999.
"Promoting Diversity in the 1990's: Understanding the Impact of Multicultural Programming
on Predominantly White College Campuses." Hopkins, Brett ('98); Michele Manasse ('99),
and Katherine McClelland. Eastern Sociological Society meetings, March 1999.
"Symbolic Racism: A Reconsideration." With Nathaniel Balis. American Sociological
Association meetings, August 1999, Chicago.
"Promoting Diversity in the 1990's: Understanding the Impact of Multicultural Programming
on Predominantly White College Campuses." With Brett Hopkins. American Educational
Research Association meetings, April 1998, San Diego.
"Race Relations on College Campuses: Findings and Policy Implications." Eastern Sociological
Society meetings, March 1998, Philadelphia.
"Race Relations on Predominantly White College Campuses in the 1990's: A Longitudinal
Case Study." With Donnell Butler. American Sociological Association meetings, August
1997, Toronto.
"Race, Class, Gender and Social Outcomes on Campus." With Donnell Butler. Eastern
Sociological Society meetings, March 1996, Boston.
"Intergroup Contact and Racial Attitudes: The Affective/Cognitive Split Among White
College Students." With Jane Altemose. American Sociological Association meetings,
August 1995.
"The Experiences of Students of Color on Predominantly White College Campuses." Roundtable
presented at the American Sociological Association's meetings, Los Angeles, August
"Race and Ethnic Relations on Three College Campuses." Invited talk, Sociology Department,
University of Pennsylvania, November 1993.
"Building Community: Race and Ethnic Relations on Three College Campuses." American
Sociological Association meetings, Miami, August 1993.
"Racial Climates on College Campuses." Presentation to Columbia University Seminar
on Higher Education, February 1992.
"Racial Attitudes on College Campuses: Some Neglected Considerations." American Sociological
Association meetings, Pittsburgh, August 1992.
"Intergroup Contact and Racial Attitudes." With Gretchen Walter. Roundtable presented
at the American Sociological Association's meetings, Pittsburgh, August 1992.
"Separate Worlds: White and African Americans on a Predominantly White College Campus."
With Anthony Ross. American Educational Research Association meetings, San Francisco,
April 1992.
Student Collaborations
Professor McClelland typically supervises an average of three Independent Study Projects per year and has collaborated with students in the College's "Hackman Fellows" Summer Research Program, which pays a stipend for students to work with faculty as colleagues on faculty research, from 1987-1994, and 1996-2000, 2002, 2003-2006, 2008-2009.