Stanley A Mertzman

Dr. Earl D. Stage & Mary E. Stage Chair Emeritus Professor of Geosciences

Utilizing Our X-Ray Laboratory

F&M's Department of Earth & Environment offers laboratory facilities open to F&M faculty, staff, and students, as well as colleagues from other institutions for their teaching and research. Learn more about the X-ray Laboratory and for additional information including up-to-date pricing, contact Stan Mertzman at

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Professional Preparation

University of Dayton

Dayton, Ohio
Geology B.S. 1967

Case-Western Reserve University

Cleveland, Ohio
Geology  M.S. 1970

Case-Western Reserve University

Cleveland, Ohio
Geology  Ph.D. 1972

Smithsonian Institution

Washington, D.C.
Mineral Sciences  9-1971 to 8-1972


July 1, 2022

Retired after 50 years at Franklin and Marshall College. On Emeritus Status at Franklin and Marshall College


Professor, Dept. of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College


Associate Dean for Research and taught one course per year


Department of Earth & Environment Chairperson, Franklin & Marshall College


Senior postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Institution, Dept. of Terrestrial  Magnetism, Washington D.C.


Associate Professor, Dept. of Geology. Franklin and Marshall College


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology. Franklin and Marshall College


Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Awards & Honors

Awarded an NSF-MRI grant for ~$260,000 for a new XRF vacuum spectrometer in 2018.

Awarded the Lindback Teaching Award at F&M in 1977 and the Dewey Research Award at F&M in 2013.


Ten Selected Publications (2010-2020)

Age and context of mid-Pliocene hominin cranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia: Beverly Saylor, Luis Gilbert, Alan Deino, Mulegeta Alene, Naomi Levin, Stephanie Melillo, Mark Peaple, Sarah Feakins, Benjamin Bourel, Doris Barboni, Alice Novello, Florence Sylvestre, Stanley Mertzman, and Yohannes Haile-Selassie: Nature Vol. 573, pp. 220-224 (2019)

Spectral reflectance (0.35-2.5 µm) properties of garnets: Implications for remote sensing detection and characterization: Matthew Izawa, Daniel Applin, Edward Cloutis, Tesia Rhind, Stanley Mertzman, Jordan Poitras, Paul Mann: Icarus Vol. 300, pp. 392-410 (2018)

Visible, Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectral Characterization of Hawaiian Fumarolic Alterations near Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Implications for Spectral Discrimination of Alteration Environments on Mars: Marcella Yant, Kelsey E. Young, A. Deanne Rogers, Amy C. McAdam, Jacob E. Bleacher, and Stanley A. Mertzman: American Mineralogist Vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 11-25 (2018)

Recalibration of the Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam instrument with an expanded geochemical database: Samuel M. Clegg, Roger C. Wiens, Ryan Anderson, Olivier Forni, Jens Frydenvang, Jeremie Lasue, Agnes Cousin, Valérie Payré, Tommy Boucher, M. Darby Dyar, Scott M. McLennan, Richard V. Morris, Trevor G. Graff, Stanley A. Mertzman, Bethany L. Ehlmann, Ines Belgacem, Horton Newsom, Ben C. Clarkm, Noureddine Melikechi, Alissa Mezzacappa, Rhonda E. McInroy, Ronald Martinez, Patrick Gasda, Olivier Gasnault, Sylvestre Maurice: Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 129, pp. 64–85 (2017)

Hydrothermally-altered dacite terrains in the Methana peninsula Greece: Relevance to Mars: Edward A. Cloutis, Victoria Jonatanson, Joshua L. Bandfield, Elena S. Amador, Frances Rivera-Hernández, P. Mann, Stanley A. Mertzman: Planetary and Space Sciences Vol. 138, pp. 55–74  (2017)

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Mt. McLoughlin 7.5’ Quadrangle, Jackson and Klamath Counties, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Open File Report O-12-01, pp. 1-65Stanley A. Mertzman (Franklin and Marshall College), Richard W. Hazlett (Pomona College), Stephen G. Weaver (Colorado College), Isaac P. Weaver (Formerly of Franklin and Marshall College), Jill M. Baum (Formerly of Carleton College), Heidi M. Cruz (Formerly of Amherst College), Travis J. McElfresh (Formerly of Whitman College), Jonathon L. Nauert (Formerly of Carleton College), Kirsten E. Nicolaysen (Formerly of Colorado College), James T. Rowe (Formerly of Carleton College), Andrew Tittler (Formerly of Williams College), And Wayne R. Wright (Formerly of Beloit College). (3 faculty and 9 student co-authors)

Iron isotopic and chemical tracing of basalt alteration and hematite spherule formation in Hawaii: A prospective study of Mars: Nicole Nie, Nicolas Dauphas, Krysten Villalon, Nan Liu, Andy Heard, Richard Morris, Stanley Mertzman: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 544, pp. 1-14 (2020)

The Canadian space agency planetary analogue materials suite: Edward A. Cloutis, Paul Mann, Matthew R.M. Izawa, Daniel M. Applin, Claire Samson, Roman Kruzelecky, Timothy D. Glotch, Stanley A. Mertzman, Karen R. Mertzman, Timothy W. Haltigin, Christopher Fry: Planetary and Space Sciences Vol. 119, pp. 155–172 (2015)

Bunburra Rockhole: Exploring the Geology of a New Differentiated Asteroid: G. K. Benedix, P. A. Bland, J. M. Friedrich, D. W. Mittlefehldt, M. E. Sanborn, Q.-Z. Yin, R. C. Greenwood, I. A. Franchi, A. W. R. Bevan, M. C. Tower, G. C. Perotta, and S. A. Mertzman:  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 208, pp. 145-159 (2017)

Geochemistry of Worano-Mille Pliocene basalts from west-central Afar, Ethiopia: Implications for mantle source characteristics and rift evolution: Mulugeta Alene, William K. Hart, Beverly Z. Saylor, Alan Deino, Stanley Mertzman, Yohannes Halie-Selassie, Luis B. Gibert: Lithos Vol. 282-283, pp. 187-200 (2017)

Recent Publications (post-2020)

A. A. Ahern1, A. D Rogers1, R. J. Macke2, S. A. Mertzman3, K. R. Mertzman3, B. J. Thomson4, R. E. Kronyak5, G. M. Peters6, E. L. Carey7 Rock thermal conductivity and thermal inertia measurements under Martian atmospheric pressures. Submission 2023JE008135, to Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets. September 12, 2023.

Stephanie Connell, Dan Applin; Nathalie Turenne; Ed Cloutis; Cain Kiddell Lambert; Sahejpal Sidhu; Paul Mann; Phil Ferguson; Matt Driedger; Jaime Campos; Ali Bararia; Morgan May; Vishnu Reddy; Stan Mertzman; David Trang. The Iris CubeSat Mission: Payload Description and Science Objectives for a First-Of-Its-Kind Geological Space Weathering Investigation of Lunar and Asteroid Materials. Submitted to Journal: Acta Astronautica July 6, 2023.

Matthew Brueseke, Beth K. Morter, Jeffrey A. Benowitz, Jeffrey M. Trop, Stanley A. Mertzman, Carl S. Kirby, and Kailyn Davis. What lies beneath the ice? Using the geochemistry and geochronology of modern river cobbles to better decipher the evolution of a glaciated volcanic arc (Wrangell Arc, Alaska, U.S.A.). Volcanica 6(2): 313–329, 2023.
A.E. Parkinson a, E.A. Cloutis a, D.M. Applin a, N.N. Turenne a, B.R. Dagdick a, J.P. Mann b, J.M. Stromberg c, Y. Gao d, R.V. Kruzelecky e, S.A. Mertzman f Detecting and characterizing the abundance and form of water-ice in permanently-shadowed regions of the moon using a three-band lidar system. Icarus Volume 400 (2023).

S. Sidhu a, *, E.A. Cloutis a, P. Mann a, D. Applin a, T. Hiroi b, K. Mengel c, T. Kareta d, V. Reddy e, P. Beck f, S.A. Mertzman. Spectral and mineralogical effects of heating on CM chondrite and related asteroids. Icarus 398 (2023)

Nathalie Turenne a, *, Sahejpal Sidhu a, Daniel M. Applin a, Edward A. Cloutis a, Z.U. Wolf a, Stanley A. Mertzman b, Elisabeth M. Hausrath c, Teresa Fornaro d, Adrian Brown. Spectral reflectance properties of nontronite exposed to Mars-like surface conditions and low-temperature heating (<300 ◦C). Icarus Volume 395 (2023)

Turenne, Nathalie, Parkinson, Alexis, Applin, Daniel, Mann, Paul, Cloutis, Edward, and Mertzman, Stanley: Spectral Reflectance Properties of Minerals Exposed to Martian Surface Conditions: Implications for Spectroscopy-Based Mineral Detection on Mars. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 210, January (2022)

Cloutis, E., Applin, D., Connell, S., Kubanek, K., Kuik, J., Parkinson, A., Ramirez, M., Turenne, N., Mertzman, S.: A simulated rover exploration of a long-lived hypersaline spring environment: The East German Creek (MB, Canada) Mars analogue site. Planetary and Space Science Volume 195 (2021) 

Cloutis, E., Stromberg, J., Applin, D., Connell, S., Kubanek, K., Kuik, J., Lechowicz, A., Parkinson, A., Ramirez, M., Turenne, N., Cieszecki, J., Germinaro, M., Kum, R., Parson, R., Walker, R., Wiens, E., Wiens, J. Mertzman, S.: The Lake St. Martin impact structure (Manitoba, Canada): A simulated rover exploration of a sulfate-bearing impact crater. Planetary and Space Science Volume 208 (2021) 

Izawa, Matthew R. M., Applin, Daniel M., Morison, Matthew Q., Cloutis, Edward A., Mann, Paul, Mertzman, Stanley A.: Reflectance spectroscopy of ilmenites and related Ti and Ti-Fe oxides (200-2500 nm): Spectral – compositional – structural relationships. Icarus Volume 362 (2021) 

Waterton, P., Pearson, D. G., Mertzman, S. A., Mertzman, K. R., and Kjaregaard, B. A.: A fractional Crystallization Link between Komatiites, Basalts, and Dunites of the Paleoproterozoic Winnipegosis Komatiite Belt, Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Petrology Volume. 61, Issue 5, (2020). 

The abstract listed below was presented at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in Houston, Texas, March 2023. This will be LSPC 54.

SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE PROPERTIES OF MARS-RELEVANT MINERALS SUBJECTED TO HEATING IN A LOW-PRESSURE CO2 ENVIRONMENT.  Z. U. Wolf1, N. N. Turenne1, E. A. Cloutis1, D. M. Applin1, P. Mann1, and S. Mertzman2. 1Center for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE), University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 2E9; 2Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA, USA 17604-3003. *

The four abstracts listed below were presented at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in Houston, Texas, March 2022. This will be LSPC 53.

USING MARS ROVER INSTRUMENTATION ON SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM TERRESTRIAL ANALOGUE SITE MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT, TO FURTHER UNDERSTAND UPCOMING AND PRESENT MARS LANDING SITES. A. E. Parkinson1, E. A. Cloutis1, D. M. Applin1, J. C. Kuik1, R. Greenberger2, J. M. Stromberg3, S. A. Mertzman4, M. Sandford5, and S. K. Sharma5. 1Department of Geography, Universi- ty of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.; Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA. 3CSIRO Mineral Resources, Kensington, WA, 6151, Australia.4Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA, 17604-3003 USA. 5Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, 1680 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI-96822, USA. 

RELATIVE DETECTABILITY OF IRON-BEARING PHASES FOR THE MARS 2020 SHERLOC DEEP UV RAMAN INSTRUMENT: 1. FOCUSING ON CARBONATES. R. V. Morris1, N. H. Haney2, R. S. Jakubek2, M. D. Fries1, J. V. Clark2, L. Lee2, S. A. Mertzman3.  1NASA JSC, Houston, TX, 2Jacobs, NASA JSC, Houston, TX, 3Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.

NONTRONITE SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE CHARACTERISTICS WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR MARS SURFACE DETECTION.  N. N. Turenne1, S. Sidhu1, D. Applin1, E. Cloutis1, S. Mertzman2. 1Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9, Canada. 2 Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA, 17604-3003 USA.

A MULTI-INSTRUMENT INVESTIGATION OF A UNIQUE LOW-TEMPERATURE, CO2-RICH GEYSER RELEVANT TO MARS AND ICY MOONS: CRYSTAL GEYSER, UTAH, USA. Z. U Wolf1*, E. A. Cloutis1, N. N. Turenne1, D. M. Applin1, S. Potter-McIntyre2, S. Mertzman3. 1Center for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE), University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 2E9; 2Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Parkinson, Mail Code 4324, Carbondale, IL 62901; 3Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA, USA 17604- 3003. *