L&AD: Institutional Sustainability

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To achieve long-term sustainability, F&M will ensure that its identity is distinctive and resonates with its markets, and that it makes the highest and best use of all its resources to advance its aspirations.

Objectives & Activities

  1. Continuously review and reconsider the allocation and use of our financial, physical, and human resources to ensure operational excellence, advance institutional priorities, and better meet students’ needs.

    1. Build capital and operating budget processes that directly support strategic priorities.

    2. Develop and launch a continual business-process review cycle.

    3. Assess current committee structures and evaluate their charges, goals, outcomes, and effectiveness.

    4. Identify, prioritize, and pursue opportunities for additional revenue generation.

  2. Enhance the collection, ownership, distribution, analysis, and use of data to inform decision-making throughout the College.

    1. Establish a data governance framework including processes for collecting, using, and sharing data.

    2. Advance efforts by the Office of Institutional Research to support the effective analysis and application of data.

    3. Define and use a broader array of metrics to measure student satisfaction, success, and sense of belonging.

  3. Articulate and strengthen the College’s brand, visibility, and distinctiveness to advance its aspirations, emphasize the relevance of its programs to core constituents, and elevate its position in the higher education marketplace.

    1. Develop and implement a data-informed strategic marketing and branding process.

    2. Conduct constituent and marketplace research as part of articulating the College’s identity.

    3. Embrace and articulate F&M’s distinguishing features, including the College’s relationship with Lancaster, student mentorship and relationships, and distinctive academic programs and student experiences.

    4. Align marketing and branding efforts across the College to convey a unified F&M.

    5. Focus the College website on its primary audiences – alumni, prospective students and parents.

  4. Assess and redesign enrollment management and financial aid strategies to effectively respond to challenges in recruitment, admission environment, and changing demographics.

    1. Continue to look for efficiencies in aid spending.

    2. Place recruiters in key markets.

    3. Implement strategies to increase yield.

  5. Substantially increase the value of the College's endowment to better support F&M’s aspirations and goals.

    1. Solicit gifts to endowment.

    2. Promote financial aid as a key philanthropic initiative and increase the percentage of our aid budget that is supported by philanthropy.

    3. Reduce spend from endowment.

  6. Explore changes to the structure and scheduling of programs, activities, and events, on and off campus and throughout the calendar year, to be more efficient and effective in using and building the College’s resources.

    1. Centralize institutional space planning and reservations to coordinate programs, activities, and events, and identify opportunities to better use existing spaces for current needs.

    2. Evaluate and enhance the use of January [“J”]-term and summer term as a revenue stream.

    3. Review and revise process for scheduling academic programs.

  7. Restore and steward the College’s human and physical resources, infrastructure, and technology in support of a robust and engaging student experience and long-term institutional and environmental sustainability.

    1. Complete an integrated space planning study and campus master plan to inform a schedule for addressing deferred maintenance issues.

    2. Designate spaces that support student inclusion, community, and engagement with faculty.

    3. Rebuild and maintain the morale and trust of our excellent faculty and staff, recognizing that their dedication is essential to the success of this plan.

    4. Move existing information technology applications to the cloud, both as a long-term cost-savings and security measure.

    5. Review and update the Sustainability Master Plan (2012) and to reflect our steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability and challenging climate change.