F&M Stories
At Franklin & Marshall College, we connect our students with extraordinary opportunities so they can accomplish great things in their four years on campus. Here are just a few of their stories.
Faculty Awarded $1 Million in Recent Grants
As F&M students turn the final pages of the fall semester, it’s important to also celebrate members of the faculty and professional staff who help create an enriching academic environment.
F&M Honors Alumni, Volunteers for Philanthropy, Service and Professional Accomplishment
More than one dozen F&M alumni were recently celebrated for the countless contributions they have made to the College and to their careers and industries.
Paleontologist in the Making
Senior Conner Minkowitz’s passion for extinct creatures changed when he began studying under a retired Franklin & Marshall College paleontologist.
60 Years After JFK’s Death, Alumni Author Finds Missing Link
Was the star of NASA’s first female astronaut program linked to the assassination of JFK? “A Woman I Know,” by filmmaker turned author Mary Haverstick ’82, searches for the truth.
Young Alum Shines Light on LGTBQ Global Rights
Erin Hallenbeck’s Franklin & Marshall degree has taken her as far as the U.K. and the Netherlands. But today, the 2017 grad is making a global impact right from campus.
Let’s Talk: Students and Their Community Conversations
A restorative practice initially for developing and upholding F&M community values evolves into College-House and residence-hall conversations where students become closer as they resolve their issues together.
5 Questions with Matthew Butterfield, F&M Professor of Music and Chair of the Department of Music
Music Professor Matthew Butterfield talks teaching and learning, his research, and what motivated him to launch F&M Idol, an all-campus singing competition for students.
Post-Soviet Memories Shaped Professor’s Path
F&M Professor of Economics Yeva Nersisyan was just a child in Armenia when the Soviet Union collapsed, but the following turmoil shaped her life’s work. She'll discuss Modern Money Theory at a Nov. 9 Common Hour lecture.
Career Boot Camp Helps Future Grads Find Footing
Meet two seniors preparing for life after college. Within six months after graduation, 95% of F&M’s 2022 graduates were either employed or continuing their education.
True Blue Weekend Marks Milestones
An estimated 2,100 students, parents and alumni filled Franklin & Marshall’s campus Oct. 27-29 for True Blue Weekend. The annual Homecoming and Family Weekend offered something for members of every generation.
Campbell's CEO Mark Clouse Challenges F&M Students to Seek Leadership Experiences
Campbell Soup Company’s President and CEO Mark Clouse delivered the keynote presentation at the 2023 Diplomat Leadership Scholars Dinner, hosted by the Steinman Foundation.
F&M Alumni Contribute to Thriving Community in Lancaster
This week, F&M alumni are returning to campus for True Blue Weekend, and some won’t have far to travel. Many Diplomats choose to stay in Lancaster after graduating or move back after living elsewhere, thanks to the city’s strong community and...